Eagle Owls
Eagle Owls - Year 4, 5 and 6
Mrs Emma Rayner
Year 4/5/6 Teacher (Mon-Thu)
Mrs Olivia Desmond
Teaching Assistant & Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Helen Hunt
Teaching Assistant & Lunchtime Supervisor
Hello and welcome to Eagle Owls class page.
Our team is made up of:
Emma Rayner – Class teacher, Monday – Thursday, Friday morning
Olivia Desmond – Teaching assistant
Helen Hunt – Teaching assistant
Our children in class and their families.
In Eagle Owls class we aim to create a learning environment that promotes independence, resilience and a sense of achievement. Communication is key; being able to discuss our learning and about how we feel about ourselves helps us move forwards with our knowledge understanding across the curriculum.
Academic Year 2024-2025
Our PE days are Monday and Friday
Spellings are given out on Friday, to be returned/tested the following Friday
All children will have a school reading book and record that must be brought in daily. We encourage reading at home daily – this could be reading anything together or talking about a chapter in a book for example.
Some websites you may find useful:
https://login.renaissance.com/1304331b-6961-45b0-b4b9-be468483c0be?state=141c2acb-40b2-40cd-b1c4-43c7dea0b89c All children will have been given log ins. This can be used in addition to reading the school reading books.
All children will have been given log ins. We encourage children to complete 3 blue gems every week.
https://ttrockstars.com/ All children will have been given log ins. We encourage daily practise of times tables – little and often is key!
https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button A firm favourite to practise key number skills.
https://www.naturalcurriculum.co.uk/grammar/ A great resource to explore grammar terms across KS2 with videos.