Eagle Owls
Eagle Owls - Year 4, 5 and 6
Mrs Emma Rayner
Year 4/5/6 teacher (Mon-Thu)
Mrs Karen Richards
Year 4/5/6 teacher (Fri)
Mrs Lara Dondiego
Teaching Assistant & Lunchtime supervisor
Mrs Olivia Desmond
Teaching Assistant & Lunchtime supervisor
Hello and welcome to Eagle Owls class page.
Our team is made up of:
Emma Rayner – Class teacher, Monday – Thursday
Karen Richards – Class teacher, Friday
Lara Dondiego – Teaching assistant
Olivia Desmond – Teaching assistant
Our children in class and their families.
In Eagle Owls class we aim to create a learning environment that promotes independence, resilience and a sense of achievement. Communication is key; being able to discuss our learning and about how we feel about ourselves helps us move forwards with our knowledge understanding across the curriculum.
Autumn Term 1
Our PE days are Monday (Swallow’s Gym) and Friday
Spellings and homework and given out on Friday, to be returned/tested the following Friday
All children will have a school reading book and record that must be brought in daily. We encourage reading at home daily – this could be reading anything together or talking about a chapter in a book for example.
Some websites you may find useful:
https://www.mathletics.com/uk/ All children will have been given log ins. Occasionally a homework task will be set via mathletics.
https://ttrockstars.com/ All children will have been given log ins. We encourage daily practise of times tables – little and often is key!
https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button A firm favourite in class to practise key number skills.
https://www.naturalcurriculum.co.uk/grammar/ A great resource to explore grammar terms across KS2 with videos.
https://readingeggspress.co.uk/ All children will have been given log ins. This can be used as part of your daily read.