Personal Development
We are proud to welcome every child and family to our brilliant school
At Garras, we believe in developing the whole child and as such we place high importance on fostering pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
Supporting children’s emotional health and wellbeing is one of the most important aspects of our role. We have a member of staff who is trained in ‘emotional first aid’, two members of staff who are TIS practitioners and DSL & DDSL who work with individuals and groups of children to support their emotional wellbeing, helping children to build confidence and resilience.
Through our curriculum and the Virtues Project, children learn about positive qualities and how these can impact and influence our immediate and wider world.
We have adopted ‘rules of life’ to build a strong positive culture within our school. These help children learn to follow the British Values, thus preparing them to be successful and contribute positively in modern British society.
In assemblies, educational visits, discussions, and literature, children have the opportunity to learn more about the local community in which they live as well as the global community, and the people that make up our world.
Through our PSHE curriculum, children learn about healthy relationships and the diversity of relationships; this learning is carefully sequenced and planned to ensure it is not only progressive but also age appropriate. Children learn about people of different faiths and cultures, along with how to keep themselves safe from harm, including keeping safe online. Throughout their learning, children are encouraged to share their views, listen carefully to others and respect and understand that others’ views may differ from their own. This also supports the development of an independent, inquisitive love of learning about their community and the world around them.
Children are keen to take on roles of responsibility. These roles are progressive and start with playing an active role in their class as monitors and develop to taking a wider active role across the school as Play Leaders, Eco Warriors and School Councillors. Children learn to become active citizens and contribute positively to Garras and the wider community.
The school offers a selection of extra-curricular activity clubs to all pupils and they are very popular with the children. We offer residential visits in Year 5 and 6 which enables the children to experience opportunities and life within and beyond Helston and Cornwall. These experiences have been carefully woven into our curriculum offer and include a plethora of educational visits/trips to excite, engage and generate awe and wonder as well as experience cultural diversity.