Special Educational Needs

Our School Offer for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

The levels of support and provision offered by Garras School

Throughout their time at Garras School pupils may receive different levels of support according to their educational needs. At Garras, we endeavour to adapt to changes in need of individual pupils to ensure they progress in all aspects of their school life.

Garras School:

● puts children at the heart of the learning process;
● gives children the opportunity to initiate learning experiences and follow lines of enquiry;
● allows adults to use observation and assessment to plan further learning experiences, correct misconceptions, establish
possible lines of development and identify next steps for learning;
● develops the core learning skills of children by listening to their dialogue and then providing opportunities that will facilitate
their learning further;
● ensures all aspects of the curriculum (EYFS and NC) can be met through a play based, stimulating and exploratory learning
● encourages children to be independent, self-motivated and reflective learners.

As a Community Primary School with ‘family’ values at the heart of everything we do, it is important for us to create a fully inclusive environment where each child can develop emotionally, socially and academically. It is our aim to ensure that all children have the opportunity to achieve their potential.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator: Emma Rayner emma.rayner@croftymat.org
Executive Head Teacher: Linda May linda.may@croftymat.org
Head of School: James Sturges james.sturges@croftymat.org
SEN Governor: Laura Murgatroyd contact through the school telephone number: 01326 221653

SEND School Offer


Cornwall Council Local Offer

Family Information Service Cornwall : Local SEND offer